I can sit quietly and observe what is there in front of me for a long time and be very happy. I can sit and think of many things; don’t ever imagine that I must be bored or want to be doing something else; I don’t understand how people can be bored when there is so much around us and within us to occupy our minds. Doing something doesn’t have to mean being physically active or always being engaged in some visibly apparent endeavor. I am very much doing something when I am sitting, looking, thinking, remembering, planning, imagining, hearing–all those activities and more are part of being and being fully present and engaged with life and the world around me. That engagement, that appreciation of all that is around me, that being fully within it and a part of it is what brings me joy. When I am quiet, when I am still, when I may appear to be doing nothing, that is what I am most often doing–I am being here and now in this moment, fully experiencing it. That is what I want to do in every moment, whether there is physical activity happening or not.
I agree with your post. But, sometimes when I just sit and reflect, or whatever, I fall asleep!
Yes indeed. Being fully engaged with a peaceful environment can definitely lead to a peaceful sleep. Maybe we can learn to reflect in our dreams. Thanks for reading and for your comment.
I enjoyed reading your blog so much and look forward to seeing more posts.
My husband just turned 82, and was so bored at the last reunion, I will not be attending the one this spring. I hope you enjoy “catching up” with everyone.
Warm regards,
Thanks, Joanne, for reading the blog and for your comments. I hope you’ll come back often. I wanted to get this reply up on the blog. Another longer reply to your email will be sent separately.
I am sorry that Joanne will not be able to attend the reunion. I look forward to seeing you there. I have enjoyed your blog immensely. Your writing style makes me feel as though I have been there.
Thanks, Eddie. I appreciate your reading the posts and your comments. I hope there will be many of our classmates who will be attending.